Saturday, August 31, 2019

Macbeth and Free Will Essay

In Desiderius Erasmus’s Defense of Free Will, he refutes Martin Luther’s creed that God predestines everyone’s lives and instead asserts that man alone possesses the power to choose his own path to either salvation or damnation. The play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, raises similar questions – did the protagonist, Macbeth, willingly choose to commit such atrocities as killing the king and his court to feed his own ambition, or did he merely play the role of a pawn, performing that which fate bade him do? Amid much controversy over this issue, evidence both in Erasmus’s critical essay and in the play itself affirms that Macbeth cognitively decides to act as he does in the play, confirming Erasmus’s perspective and suggesting that people have the ability to dictate their own fate through their thoughts, decisions, and actions. Through his interpretation of the Old and New Testaments in the Bible, Erasmus writes in favor of free will over predestination, a concept that, when applied to the character Macbeth, raises questions about the motives behind his detestable actions. In his essay, Erasmus explores the â€Å"power of the human† (46) to â€Å"turn away from what leads to eternal salvation† (46). According to this opinion, Macbeth makes a conscious choice to pursue a life of crime and sin, instead of simply following his fate. Macbeth’s plea that the â€Å"stars hide [their] fires† (1. 4. 57) so that â€Å"light [would not] see [his] black and deep desires† (1. 4. 58) indicates that Macbeth remains aware that his â€Å"wicked, rebellious will† (Erasmus, 48) lies within himself, and he fears the consequences of his sinful deeds. This very fear of punishment reflects the existence of free will in Macbeth – as Erasmus inquires, â€Å"why [should God] curse me, when I sinned through necessity? † (47). Macbeth’s clear understanding of the evil that he plans to commit and his fear of divine punishment suggest that characters in Macbeth choose their actions as opposed to following their destiny. Macbeth’s evil actions, however, are not completely driven by an inherent evil nature; although he does have free will in the play, he becomes a slave to his ruthless ambition because of his own moral weakness. As Erasmus writes, â€Å"there are certain seeds of goodness planted in men’s minds† (50), although â€Å"the will is perhaps more inclined to evil than to good† (50). In other words, everyone possesses both good and bad within them, and it is up to the individual person to â€Å"[turn themselves] towards, or away from, faith† (48-9). Macbeth’s apparently latent moral code surfaces occasionally throughout the first act in his moments of wavering in his violent resolve; he tells Lady Macbeth that they â€Å"will proceed no further in this business† (1.7. 34) in one of the scenes preceding the murder. However, the manipulative Lady Macbeth must only mention that which Macbeth desires and question his masculinity to crush Macbeth’s good side and force it to submit to his evil ambition. The ease with which Lady Macbeth extinguishes Macbeth’s doubt of the evil plan highlights Macbeth’s weakness for his ambition. Macbeth becomes a slave not to the devil, but instead to the very evil that resides within himself. Neither heaven nor hell predetermines Macbeth’s actions in the play; it is in fact his inability to compromise his ruthless ambition that ultimately forces him into crime. He chooses to sin of his own accord, and therefore faces his final punishment that sets the world back in order at the end of the tragedy. Through their individual works, Shakespeare and Erasmus imply that humans have free will to determine their own actions, and only the strongest of heart will succeed in accomplishing the work of God.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mine Is Required

Josh Crews Mrs. McGaulley AP English 3 9/3/12 The Tone of â€Å"In and Of Ourselves We Trust† In the article â€Å"In and Of Ourselves We Trust† by Andy Rooney, the speaker uses tone to allow the reader to recognize the mutual trust of humanity and the law. For example, when the author states, â€Å"It’s amazing that we ever trust each other to do the right thing, isn’t it? †, he uses an appreciative tone. This is shown through the speakers’ appreciation of knowing that humanity will automatically do what is right even when it is not convenient for humanity.Even though he didn’t want to stop at the light, he did, and he is appreciative of the fact that other human beings would stop at the red light as well. There is a plethora of examples that show the speakers appreciation for this unseen force, as for example, â€Å"We do what we say what we’ll do. We show up when we say we’ll show up. † This example shows that h umanity has the natural instinct to accomplish our wishes. Furthermore, the speaker uses a proud tone in the example, â€Å"I was so proud of myself for stopping for that red light.Read also Critical appreciation of the poem â€Å"Old Ladies’ Home†. Thus, stating that he was proud that he did do right and realized that he didn’t think twice about it. Pride is one of mankind’s’ best attributes and sometimes the worst. In this case, pride is granting the speaker a chance to express his gratitude for humanity’s uncanny ability to surprise itself and show we are naturally striving for greatness. Following that, he states â€Å"†¦no one would ever have known what a good person I was†¦I had to tell someone. † Saying that shows the speaker wants to boast and tell the readers of his accomplishment.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

African Women under Slavery

This paper discusses the experiences of African American Women under slavery during the Slave Trade, their exploitation, the secrecy, the variety of tasks and positions of slave women, slave and ex-slave narratives. Also, this paper presents the hardships African American women faced and the challenges they overcame to become equal with men in today’s society. Slavery was a destructive experience for African Americans especially women. Black women suffered doubly during the slave era. Slave Trade The West African Slave Trade was a global event that focused on West Africa. It was the sale and ownership of another human being that was put into slavery. It was a type of â€Å"forced Migration† that lasted 300 years. From around 1551 thru 1850 about 15 million people were brought into the slave trade it is said that roughly 5 million people did not survive, and may have immediately died before making through the shock of enslavement. About 10 million people in the western hemisphere survived and were sold on the auction block. Generations continued into slavery, the offspring was also brought into slavery. The owners liked the idea of their slaves reproducing. This meant their work force would grow without having to spend much money on slaves. About 250 million lived in slavery throughout the 300 years. Slavery was also a traditional part of African society, various states and kingdoms in Africa operated one or more of the following: chattel slavery, debt bondage, forced labor, and serfdom. Ghana, Mali, Songhai were kingdoms that had large economies and supported large populations, they had knowledge of agriculture, and grew many different crops that sustained many people. Because of the West African Slave Trade, These kingdoms were affected by greed and would often go to war and capture prisoners to sell into slavery. The Middle Passage was the journey of slave trading ships from the west coast of Africa, where the slaves were obtained, across the Atlantic, where they were sold or, in some cases, traded for goods such as molasses, which was used in the making of rum. However, this voyage has come to be remembered for much more than simply the transport and sale of slaves. The Middle Passage was the longest, hardest, most dangerous, and also most horrific part of the journey of the slave ships. With extremely tightly packed loads of human cargo that stank and carried both infectious disease and death, the ships would travel east to west across the Atlantic on a miserable voyage lasting at least five weeks, and sometimes as long as three months. Although incredibly profitable for both its participants and their investing backers, the terrible Middle Passage has come to represent the ultimate in human misery and suffering. The abominable and inhuman conditions which the Africans were faced with on their voyage clearly display the great evil of the slave trade. While there was slavery throughout World History, never has it reached such an epic proportion as during the Middle Passage/ transatlantic slave trade. At this time, no one knows exactly how many Africans died at sea during the Middle Passage experience. Estimates for the total number of Africans lost to the slave trade range from 25 to 50 million. The Middle Passage was a term used to describe the triangular route of trade that brought Africans to the Americas and rum and sugar cane to Europe. It was synonymous with pain and suffering. The journey from Africa to the Americas would take as many as 30 to 90 days. Many of the ships were called â€Å"loose packers† which meant that the slaves were not overlapping each other or â€Å"tight packers†, describing the capacity of the slave ship. The smell of rotten bodies thrown overboard lured sharks to the ships route; European countries participating in the slave trade accumulated tremendous wealth and global power from the capturing and selling of Africans into slavery. Originally, slaves were sold to the Portuguese and Spanish colonies in South and Central Americas to work on sugar cane plantations. The middle passage was the worst thing that could happen to African American slaves. For most women who endured it, the experience of the Slave Trade was one of being outnumbered by men. Roughly one African woman was carried across the Atlantic for every two men. The captains of slave ships were usually instructed to buy as high a proportion of men as they could, because men could be sold for more in the Americas. Women thus arrived in the American colonies as a minority. For some reason, women did not stay a minority. Slave records found that most plantations, even during the period of the slave trade, there were relatively equal numbers of men and women. Slaveholders showed little interest in women as mothers. Their willingness to pay more for men than women, despite the fact than children born to enslaved women would also be the slave-owners’ property and would thus increase their wealth. Women who did have children, always struggled with the impossible conflict between, their own physical needs and their children’s need for care, not to mention the requirements forced on them by plantation work regimes. Women’s inability to maintain the pace of work required by plantation owners during pregnancy, their need for recovery time after childbirth, and the needs of their young children to be fed, cleaned, loved, and integrated spiritually and socially into the human community, all brought them into conflict with the demands of the owners and managers of the plantations on which they worked1. Exploitation The slave owner’s exploitation of the African woman’s sexuality was one of the most significant factors differentiating the experience of slavery for males and females. The white man’s claim to the slave body, male as well as female, was inherent in the concept of the Slave Trade and was tangibly realized perhaps nowhere more than the auction block. Captive Africans were stripped of their clothing, oiled down, and poked and prodded by potential buyers. The erotic undertones of such scenes were particularly pronounced in the case of black women. Throughout the period of slavery in America, white society believed black women to be innately lustful beings. The perception of the African woman as hyper-sexual made her both the object of white man’s disgust and his fantasy. Within the bounds of slavery, masters often felt it was their right to engage in sexual activity with black women. Sometimes, female slaves made advances hoping that such relationships would increase the chances that they or their children would be liberated by the master; most of the time, slave owners took slaves by force. For the most part, masters made young, single slaves the objects of their sexual pursuits. They did on occasion rape married women. The inability of the slave husband to protect his wife from such violation points to another fundamental aspect of the relationship between enslaved men and women. The restrictions of slave law and circumstances of slave life created a sense of parity between black wives and husbands. A master’s control over both spouses reduced the black male’s potential for dominance over his wife. Whenever possible, black slave women manipulated their unique circumstances in the struggle for their personal dignity and that of their families. Black women rebelled against the inhumanities of slave owners. Like their ancestors and counterparts in Africa, most slave women took their motherhood seriously. They put their responsibilities before their own safety and freedom, provided for children not their own, and gave love even to those babies born from violence2. Secrecy Due to the sexual escapades of the white slave owners, both white and African American women had to keep births on the plantation a secret. A female slave was never able to say who the father of her child was. In some of the books on slave records, the father of the slave child would not be recorded because the child would have the status of the mother, regardless. If the female slave ever tried to tell who the father of her child was, she could be sent to jail, beaten, sold to another owner, or killed as a result. If a mistress knew that her husband was cheating on her, there was not very much that she could do. In some cases, the white women would make the slave woman work harder, be very rude to her, or even ask her husband to beat her3. Traditions With many diverse women coming from various places in Africa the daily living, clothing, religion and vast personal mile stones like circumcision, birth, and even marriage are handled differently. Beginning from a child where you grow determines the traditions you inherit. Children in rural Africa communities were all seen as sons and daughters of the entire community. After being sold as slaves many families were torn apart, which mean people had to carry this tradition along because there actually family were gone. On plantations every adult was respected as one’s mother or father. Older women and men stood cherished for the fact they were the wisest to the way to survive. One day a week the slave families would be allowed to gather for a type of religious gathering where they were only allowed to praise whomever they worshiped for an hour of the day. Polygamy was also practiced by many of the slaves, either men had many wives or vice versa. This was brought over to the plantations, as it was also practiced in the homeland. Variety of Tasks and Positions of Slave Women African American women were responsible for a lot of tasks that had to be done inside of the slave owners household or fields. Enslaved women were charged with a different variety of tasks such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, running errands, going to the market, plantation work, looking after children, etc. 4. Slavery taught women to be self-reliant, whereas white women were dependent socially and economically on men. On plantations, men and women did equally difficult work as stated before but often they did the same jobs. Not all labor by women was traditionally women’s work, though men did not usually perform tasks traditionally done by women. Women worked in the fields alongside the men, but most of the hard labor was performed by the men or women past childbearing age. Pregnant women and nursing mothers were often given lighter work. Several positions were open to female slaves that were considered skill labor and so quite respected by the slave community. One of these was the cook, who prepared food for the master’s household and for the slaves themselves when they came back from the fields. The other one is sewing. Some women, who knew how, were responsible for sewing the clothes for the entire community and if they were quite excellent, for the master’s family, too. The skill of midwifery was strictly for female slaves, and like cooking and sewing was considered a highly skilled labor. Learned from the mother or another relative (aunt), a midwife catered to blacks and whites alike, and continues to be a prominent job among African American women. Many times, slave women were looked up to for leadership because of their occupation, their age, or their number of children, and the fact that the work done by the majority of the women was done in groups. The existence of skills was respected labor strictly for women, and the control of child and medical care by women points to the idea that black females were able to order their own community among women5. Female Slave and Ex-Slave Narratives There were quite a few female slave and ex-slave narratives written during the slave era. As historical documents, slave narratives chronicle the evolution of white supremacy in the South from eighteenth-century slavery through early twentieth-century segregation. Most of these autobiographies as narratives give voice to generations of black people who, despite written off by white southern literature, still found a way to donate a literary legacy of enormous collective significance to the South and the United States. The narratives portrays slavery as a condition of extreme physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual deprivation, a kind of hell on earth which precipitated the slave’s decision to escape is some sort of personal crisis, such as the sale of a loved one or a dark night of the soul in which hope contends with despair for the spirit of the slave. Impelled by faith in God and a commitment to liberty and human dignity comparable (the slave narratives often stresses) to that of America’s Founding Fathers, the slave undertakes a difficult quest for freedom that climaxes in his or her arrival in the North. The attainment of freedom is signaled not simply by reaching the Free states, but by renaming oneself and dedicating one’s future to antislavery activism6. Additionally, slave and ex-slave narratives stressed how African Americans survived slavery, making a way out of no way, often times resisting exploitation, occasionally fighting back and escaping in search of a better prospects elsewhere in the North. The most memorable of these narratives evoke the national myth of the American individual’s quest for freedom and for a society based on â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. † Slave and ex-slave narratives are important not only for what they tell us about African American history and literature, but also because they reveal the complexities of the dialogue between whites and blacks in America, particularly African Americans. Several women come to mind when slave and ex-slave narratives is talked about. The first being, Phyllis Wheatley, she became the first African-American woman author to publish a book of Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. Another one being Lucy Terry, although her poems was not published until after her death, â€Å"Bar Fights† was the first poem composed by another African American woman. Her poems recalls the popular captivity narrative of the colonial period, in which she recounts her experience in captivity among the Indians, and establishes early on the central role of African American women in American literary history. Also, Harriet Jacobs cannot be forgotten. She published â€Å"Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†, which is an account of her brutal life and thrilling escape. She describes spending seven years of her life hiding in a crawl space – nine feet long, seven feet wide, and three feet long in her narrative. Two of the most iconic women during the slavery period was Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. Sojourner Truth is now like a nearly mythical figure who was a strong proponent of equal rights for both African Americans and women, never compromising her struggle for one to gain the other. She was the first to attend the First National Women’s Rights Convention in 1850, where she was the only black woman to be a speaker. Not only was Sojourner Truth a highly visible symbol of abolition on the speaking platform, so was Harriet Tubman. Harriet was a powerful underground force of liberation. She became the most active conductor on the Underground Railroad, returning 19 times and helping 300 slaves escape through the North to Canada7. There are so many more great women such as Frances Harper, Ida Wells-Barnett, Mary Church Terrell, and Anna Cooper that made significant contributions to African American women history. These women paved the way for other great women like Zora Hurston, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jo Ann Robinson, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrison to make their mark in history. Significant Contributions Based on the research and reading, we can agree that women during the slave era made significant contributions that led to monumental changes in equal rights for women. Women have always played second behind the man which makes it hard to feel equal. Women slaves were the central nucleus that kept families together. The information presented shows that a lot of the families were solely raised by the woman. Black women learned to cope with the problems of raising children without men. Also, because of the experiences of women under slavery, they opened doors for women to have better pay, jobs, and the most important one, being able to vote. Women have made tremendous strides during the abolition era, the feminist era that reemerged in the sixties as a result of the male chauvinism within the Civil Rights, Black Power, and student movements that traces directly back to women under slavery. This courageous history should inspire every woman today, reflecting back on what our ancestors had to fight for, for us to enjoy the liberties we take for granted. In conclusion, this paper discussed the experiences of African American Women under slavery during the Slave Trade, their exploitation, the secrecy, the variety of tasks and positions of slave women, slave and ex-slave narratives; also, this paper discussed the hardships African American women faced and the challenges they overcame to become equal with men in today’s society. What must not be forgotten, is that African American women never stopped fighting against racial prejudices and sexual abuses. We will never know the exact number of slave women who were raped, but their testimonies make us think that almost all of them had been raped. Most importantly, the most efficient method women developed was to speak out about their experiences in order to make people discover this hidden part of American history, and they surely did.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Technology and Nursing Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Technology and Nursing Practice - Essay Example ern definitions of nursing define it as a science and an art that focuses on promoting quality of life as defined by persons and families, throughout their life experiences from birth to care at the end of life (Wikipedia, 2006). As technology is playing a major role in all emerging fields, nursing is also growing in terms of technology. It is quite evident that the use of computer and information technologies in the health care increase at a faster rate and this is in turn going to improve the nursing practice and patient education. These technologies have also entered the teaching practices of Nursing. Modern teaching approaches with new technology-based teaching and learning assignments will increase student attainment, including retention, motivation, and class participation; improve learning and significant thinking, provide instructional reliability, and augment clinical education. Moreover, it will create nursing curricula which links people and information resources into a web of learners’ community, communication, and group association as the nursing student engages in their journey from a student to a trainee practitioner. One of the primary role of the nurse as a health care provider has be en one of patient educator. Hence nurse professionals and nurse educators require to look at how the nursing profession can use the potential of the Internet to revamp patient education and transform nursing practice. One of the technologies used is the Knowledge Management System (KMS). Knowledge management is the unambiguous and systematic organization of fundamental knowledge and its related processes. It necessitates turning personal knowledge into knowledge for learners-at-large through the organization of information across guidelines. Generally, managing knowledge focuses on two basic intentions: enabling knowledge distribution and using knowledge to generate society. Specific knowledge management activities that have been employed within the business model

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mechanical Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mechanical Engineering - Essay Example Mechanics deals with fluid ranging from water to the hypersonic gases that flow around the space vehicles. Mechanics is also concerned with the motion of things ranging from a particle to complex structures such as machines. Designing is considered to be the most satisfactory job for mechanical engineers. For the purpose of designing and building a brand new car, the engineers must give importance to its weight and the amount of power it consumes. Other aspects that must be considered while designing a car are the size and shape of the car, the material, safety, and reliability. Synthesis occurs when an engineer pulls together all the factors required in the design for manufacturing a new car. Design problems can be quite challenging for the engineers as most of these problems  are open-ended with one or more best answer present. One of the biggest challenges for mechanical engineers is that people usually suggest them that they find it hard to adopt a sustainable lifestyle because individuals present around them are not doing the same. They want the collective movement of the individuals presents around them who are taking the same measures as them to protect the environment, otherwise, somebody alone performing the duty feels as if he is being self-sacrificed. The responsibility can, however, be transferred when it is said that there is a need to develop a centralized system before the individuals may opt to live a fully sustainable lifestyle backed by technology using the sustainable mechanical engineering techniques. Mechanical engineers are traditionally known for solving problems.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Strategic Marketing Management - Essay Example marketing plan for the year 2008-09. â€Å"Strategic marketing management refers to the method of selling the products directly to the customers bypassing the retailers and distributors.† (Retrieved in In simple words, the main objective of the strategic management is to develop such marketing plans that could win the applause from the genuine buyers, customers, consumers and end users. Red Hat Inc. has recently launched the innovative software including iPhone 3 G, iPode and Apple TV as its new products. Its marketing management departments aims to present these products at international level by developing the comprehensive strategic scheme in order to make the product as an unconditional success. Though, almost all the software introduced by the Red Hat Inc. immediately captured the attention of the global markets, yet it also had to bear the brunt of failures because of launching some products without making strategic analysis. In addition, inclusion of thousands of companies with their computer merchandise and mobile phone accessories has created a situation of perfect competition everywhere; it is therefore, the Apple Inc. looks for designing a master plan of marketing the newly designed products. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is ambitious to run the affairs of the company in the same lines, as it has been being conducted by the most elevated organizati ons like Microsoft Corporation, Virgin Atlantic, Honda Car and other corporations of highest ranking. Even being a grand brand, the Apple products are not welcomed like hot cakes still in many parts of Asia, Australia and Africa, which is a sign of failure for the CIO. â€Å"The analyst firm is predicting global IT market growth for 2008 at 5.5% to 6%, down from 6.9% this year. The market intelligence group released â€Å"IDC Predictions 2008: The

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Radioisotopes in Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Radioisotopes in Medicine - Essay Example There are neutrons found in the nucleus. These are the neutrons which give an element a radioactive status. Unlike the protons, these neutrons are found in the different number of different at atoms of the same element and based on this difference in the number of neutrons the isotope status is acquired by an element. The sum of protons and neutrons in an atom is called its atomic mass. So atomic number of all atoms of an element is the same but atomic mass could be different (Medical isotopes). There are some elements which decay and are converted to isotopes that posses the properties of unstable isotopes; examples are uranium and thorium. The same isotopes can be generated artificially when it does not exist naturally in some elements. This is achieved by a combination of protons and neutrons. These radioisotopes can be obtained through a variety of ways but the most frequent way of producing radioisotopes is by neutron activation in a nuclear reactor. There are two major outcomes which give radioisotope status to an element, either by gaining a neutron and making an atom neutron rich or by gaining a proton and resulting in proton rich atom. The unstable state of a radioisotope is converted to stable one by the emission of alpha or beta particle with some energy release in the form of gamma rays. In fact, this is radioactive decay of that atom. In medicine, these radioactive products are termed as radiopharmaceuticals (Medical isotopes).   Around the first decade of the last century there had been some initial, discussions on the issues of radioactivity and radioisotopes like thorium and ionium. Most of the radioisotopes which are in more frequent use today were discovered during the third decade of the last century. Radioactive isotopes like, iodine-131, cobalt-60, technetium-99m and others were discovered during a short period of three years (1938-1941) (Radioisotopes for diagnosis and treatment).   Till mid-seventies of the last century there was not much development in the field when some newly discovered radioisotopes along with technetium-99m revolutionized the field of nuclear medicine when technetium-generator made it practical to convert inactive pharmaceuticals to be labelled on the hospital premises (Radioisotopes in medicin). In 1980s, gamma cameras performance was improved through computer integration which helped in enhancing the processes and eventually the quantification of the radioactivity emitted. (Radioisotopes in medicin). Around the last decade of the last century the image quality as well as details were made improved with the help of single photon emission computer tomography (SPECT) systems. Radioisotopes utilization in Medicine   Radioisotopes have been utilized in medicine very extensively for preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic purposes.

MGM465-0801A-05 Business Strategy - Phase 2 Individual Project Essay

MGM465-0801A-05 Business Strategy - Phase 2 Individual Project - Essay Example Due to non-availability of statistics from authoritative sources, it is not possible to map the progressive fluctuations in purchase activities of new and existing commercial premises. However, there is a progressive rise in the successive years in construction cost for commercial buildings. The number of new commercial buildings constructed from 2005 onwards is not available. However, the construction costs for construction of new private non-residential buildings for 2005 and 2006 were $256,644 million and $295,715 million respectively. The factors responsible for home improvement were preference for larger and more luxurious living spaces, significant number of homeowners opting for remodeling of kitchen and bathrooms, and in many cases new homeowners opting for home improvement within first two years of purchase. The total remodeling expenditure in USA in 2005 amounted to $280 billion of which $188 billion was for Home repairs and improvement. (Financing Guidebook for Energy Efficiency Program Sponsors, December 2007). It is necessary to improve efficiency by shaking up the top-level management. There cannot be tolerance for stagnant and loss-making centers, divisions and departments. Improve efficiency by working out a policy of rewarding good performance. Managers who do not perform must shape up or ship

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discussion about influences has television had in our society Essay

Discussion about influences has television had in our society - Essay Example Television has both good influences and bad influences on society. The following essay will talk about these in detail. There is no doubt that Television has many good influences. Firstly, Television is an audio/visual medium making it easy for the audience to follow programs. It uses graphics, sound recording and film technology to bring lively and interesting material to the enjoyment of the audience. Many people when they come back from office or school switch on the Television and relax themselves. More importantly, it also provides news bulletins and science programs for gaining knowledge. For school-going children it offers sport programming like live baseball telecast, etc. All this are very useful and perform an important social role. In fact, Television has become such an important part of everyday life that we cannot imagine how life will be without Television. (Bignell, 2004) Television has been used for the purpose of education as well. For example, class-rooms can show s tudents interesting movies that are part of the curriculum. Class-room can also show recorded lectures and science documentaries. With respect to society, Television brings awareness about global issues so that all of us can act together. One example of this is global warming, about which information is provided in Television. With this we can act together and save the planet. Television also has plenty of advertisements. While some ads can be boring, some others provide information about products, which we can use when we go shopping. (Noll, 2011) Television not only performs a social role but also a family role. It brings all members of family together during evenings. In fact, it has become part of family routine at dinner time. Television gives news about weather conditions. We can take precautions against rain and storm by watching weather news. Also, Television is used these days in closed-circuit cameras for security reasons. On the negative side too, there are many points. F irst, watching Television for long time is bad for the eyes. Television can distract students from focussing on studies. It can make young children lazy and keep them away from books and sports. Parents are especially worried that Television has bad effect on society as it shows violence and crime. Young people can get the wrong idea about life watching such programs. For example, a young person watching use of guns on Television might later kill someone with a gun in real life. So it is very dangerous in cases like this. It also gives wrong idea about how to treat women, etc. In other words, Television can show women in stereotype fashion. Hence, not everything about Television is good. (Freedman, 2002) Television can cause problems in society by showing racial discrimination, etc. For example, if black people are not shown in programs, one gets the impression that they are not important people. Television news can also be flawed. For example, we cannot believe everything the news anchor says as truth. Sometimes they give inaccurate information to deceive the viewer. So one has to be careful about the truthfulness of news. Also, the information given in advertisements can be misleading. Many companies are just trying to make quick money and will show any false claims to sell products. So we have to be careful while watching Television. (Bignell, 2004) Finally, Television has many limitations which make it not useful for in-depth analysis. That is, Television can never replace the

Friday, August 23, 2019

The pricing decision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The pricing decision - Essay Example These situations include new product promotion, test marketing, countering competition or predatory pricing, promotion of associated products and cost plus contracts. Fazlzadeh, Mohammadi & Sepehrfar (2011, p. 66) state â€Å"Setting optimal prices, however, is a complex problem in general and is particularly challenging in industrial or B2B market settings, where purchase prices of products and services typically vary from one customer account to another as prices are negotiated and modified from list prices in the course of the purchase process†. Based on the purpose, marginal, differential or total costing method would be adopted in pricing. The pricing strategies also vary according to the type of market such as monopoly, monopolistic or oligopoly. The strategy of skimming the market or the policy of ‘what the traffic will bear’ in the case of products backed up with IPRs are not uncommon in the market place. Also, pricing strategy for the same product by the same company varies based on the usage or purpose. For instance LPG cylinder used for commercial purposes could be costlier than the LPG used for domestic purposes. This paper seeks to discuss about various strategies adopted by businesses in pricing decisions. Why pricing decision is important? The strategic importance of pricing is many fold. Promotion Strategies (2010) states, â€Å"The  marketing promotion mix  is the use of the 4 P's. These are Product, Price, Place, and Promotion.  This system first appeared in 1949 and was developed by Philip Kotler†. The pricing is an important area in the management decision making, because profitability of any business hinges on right price for the product for making the most out of the prevailing economic situation and developments in technology, internet and telecommunications in the context of the business. Bayati & Makui (2011, p. 371) observe â€Å"Making an appropriate pricing and marketing strategy is a crucial managem ent issue in E-commerce†. The appropriate pricing strategy is adopted after analyzing the factors related to various pricing situations. Evidence – Chevrolet’s Spark Chevrolet has introduced the model ‘Spark’ for marketing in the developing countries, in the small car segment, which is not very popular in US or other developed countries. The price of the car is fixed at INR. 279,000 in India which works out to just US$ 6200 approximately. In the case of new products, in spite of the extensive market research on potential demand for the product, adopting a right pricing strategy is important to be competitive in the market. As it is a question of creating demand for the new product, pricing is the key to success in influencing the consumers’ decisions. Price sensitivity of the consumers is an important variable in the decision making process, and the proper positioning of the product in the market place and its rational pricing would stimulate demand for the product from the target consumers. The strategy should also ensure that the competitors are not tempted to introduce similar products in view of the attractive margin. This philosophy aims at sustainable growth in the long run. Therefore, the prices are fixed with a reasonable margin and at the same time not tempting the competitors to rush into this segment to spoil the first mover advantage. Argument for fixing prices at a lower level The pricing decision in this case is taken in the backdrop of uncertainties about the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Where we were, Where we are, Where we going Essay Example for Free

Where we were, Where we are, Where we going Essay Introduction In the aftermath of major scandals and bailouts in the United States, the world`s and the public’s confidence in public corporations, has been shaken. With the publicized scandals of Enron and other corporations in the United States, the faith in public corporations fell as fast as the stock market. Investors had no confidence in corporations or in their boards. Measures needed to be taken to form regulations to provide stronger accountability, to prevent these types of scandals from happening and to rebuild the confidence of investors. Corporate governance of publicly traded companies was no longer an option, it became a must. The public and the media demanded laws to protect future investors and shareholders (Colley, Jr, Doyle, Logan, Stettinius, 2005). With most of the world’s financial markets in crisis and recession, the public has become much more aware of corporate executive compensation plans. Executive compensation has been an on-going issue for many years. There has been a great amount of controversy over how executives’ pay structure is designed and who judges, oversees and determines executives’ pay. As the scales get tipped on what executives are getting paid versus employee standard wages, the public is always on the watch for the next corporate scandal. Boards are always challenged by what executives’ pay should be based off of; this could be performance, industry standards or percentage of revenue. Boards need to determine the base salary, benefits or short term and long term options that will be offered (Colley, Jr, Doyle, Logan, Stettinius, 2005). This paper will look at the past trends of executive compensation that lacked disclosure and transparency, current trends that are being used today in pay in the United States and Canada and future trends that should be used when it comes to executive compensation and executive pay methods. This paper will also give some recommendations that Canada should adopt. Past Trends in Executive Compensation From the â€Å"original opening of the New York Stock exchange in 1792 executive compensation† (Bruvik Whitney Gibson, 2011, p. 74) existed. In the early 1900’s stock options of stock awards, stock purchases, stock appreciation rights (cash bonuses) and freestanding dividend equivalents were formed (Bruvik Whitney Gibson, 2011) and still exist today. During this time executive compensation was very private and did not have transparency or regulations. It was not until the market crashed in 1913 that the public was becoming more aware of executive inflated wages, and compensation for executives. In 1933 Securities Act legislation was passed that required disclosure of stock sales to the public. Then came the introduction of laws that limited â€Å"fringes† (perks) this made executive compensation more transparent and created more awareness for the public. But in 1983 Ronald Regan’s administration dropped regulations and this changed the level of transparency once again and this would eventually lead to indiscretions in executive pay. This caused an artificial rise in stock market values and increased misuse of stock options thus the elevation of executive’s salaries. The United States Government`s lower marginal tax to 33%, which changed the quality of management, because as long an executives increased shareholders wealth the salaries of executives had very little regulations (Bruvik Whitney Gibson, 2011). In 2001 the Enron scandal, executives inflated their earnings and overvalued their stock prices when they knew the company was going under. Senior executives cashed their stock options profiting while investor and employees of Enron lost everything. The numerous corporate scandals such as Enron, Jack Welsh CEO of General Electric, TYCO, and WorldCom created distrust in public corporations and â€Å"cost investors billions† (Bruvik Whitney Gibson, 2011, p. 78). In order to increase confidence in public firms, a change was needed in regulations and legislation. This led to the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002. SOX focused on corporate governance issues within a firm and led to rules of practice for boards of directors. Although SOX does not have mandates for executive compensation it does address how the compensation committee should be independent and how they should govern themselves. This has become very critical legislation to aid in ethical practices in public corporation executive compensation (Bruvik Whitney Gibson, 2011). Current Trends in Executive Compensation The main foundation of executive compensation has not changed, it is designed to attract, inspire, motivate and in the end retain the superior talent in the management world. In 2008 a government fund TARP was â€Å"created to purchase troubled assets from financial institutions† (Bruvik Whitney Gibson, 2011, p. 79). TARP funds put restrictions on executive compensation by; restricting paying out bonuses, limiting the â€Å"Golden Parachutes†, denial of benefits and used clawbacks if executive compensation was based on misleading statements (Bruvik Whitney Gibson, 2011). In order to receive TARP funding, firms have to practice the US mandatory â€Å"Say on Pay† which was implemented in January 2011. The United Kingdom has also implemented the â€Å"Say on Pay† concept. The â€Å"Say on Pay† is a concept that â€Å"shareholders should be given a nonbinding vote on board of director’s recommendations on executive pay† (Mangen Magnan, 2012, p. 86). â€Å"Say on Pay† concept â€Å"increases shareholders activism within when it comes to the pay policies and practices† (Geddes, n.d, p. 22). Current trends for public corporations for executive pay is to use polices and committees that structure the compensation. This pay should be transparent and increase the long-term shareholder value. Stock option incentives should be restrictive, meaning they cannot be sold for a set amount of years or until after resignation. Corporations have still not restricted the pay of top executives and the total compensation is still quite elevated compared to that of the regular employee. A great number of firms feel that to retain good quality CEO’s some pay incentives have to be competitive. Corporations feel that â€Å"superior incentives for executives (and traders whose actions can substantially impact an organization) to manage firms in investors longer-term interest† (Romano Bhagat, 2009, p. 1). Corporations continue to struggle with the balance of reward based compensation that ensures future results and increases shareholders wealth in the short and long term (Colley, Jr, Doyle, Logan, Stettinius, 2005). Executive compensation packages will continue to need to be governed by compensation committees to hold the confidence of the public, shareholders and the market. How Canada Measures Up As discussed earlier the United States along with United Kingdom has adopted the mandatory practice of â€Å"Say on Pay† which has increased shareholder involvement in the pay structure of their executives. Canada has not implemented this practice to be mandatory, even though it is, recommended as the best practices for firms. The five big banks in Canada have adopted the â€Å"Say on Pay† methodology (Mangen Magnan, 2012). In January 2012 the Huffington Post stated that Canadian CEO`s are reluctant to discuss that executive compensation has got out of hand in Canada. The article discusses that executives` incomes have continued to increase even though the wages of average Canadians have remained stationary. The article interviewed Fraser Institute’s Niels Veldhuis and he stated â€Å"When you call for a policy that limits CEO pay what you are doing is you’re signaling that we’re going to have even more regulations on how businesses operate here in Canada, and unfortunately, that will cause businesses to relocate or locate elsewhere† (Mendleson, 2012). One could make the assumption that because Canada does not have the volume or the stability that the United States does in the their corporations, that Canada is not implementing stronger regulations because of fear of losing what they have already and want to attract more corporations to Canada. At this time Canada uses a principles-based approach to governance in which standards are set and corporations are encouraged to meet them. Compared to the United States that uses a rules-based approach that requires corporations to meet the practices and legislation (Milne, 2006). In Canada the Canadian Coalition for Good Governance (CCGG) was formed to promote to good governance practices and recently the CCGG released the 2013 executive compensation principles. Corporations need to hold to the following principles: 1. A significant component of executive compensation should be â€Å"at risk† and based on performance. 2. Performance should be based on key business metrics that are aligned with corporate strategy and the period during which risks are being assumed. 3. Executives should build equity in the company to align their interests with those of shareholders. 4. A company may choose to offer pensions, benefits and severance and change-of-control entitlements. When such perquisites are offered, the company should ensure that the benefit entitlements are not excessive. 5. Compensation structure should be simple and easily understood by management, the board and shareholders. 6. Boards and shareholders should actively engage with each other and consider each other’s perspective on executive compensation matters (Moncrieff, 2012). The principles above are the best practices for boards and corporations and are recognized to be the superior standards, but as of yet Canada does not rules or regulations to enforce these practices. The Canadian government at this point has no plan to put caps on executive compensation. At this point the Canada`s tax laws are not in line with the compensation governance and reform is needed (Geddes, n.d). Future Trends for Executive Compensation Corporations, shareholders and boards are faced with meeting higher standards when it comes to executive compensation. This will mean adopting the â€Å"Say on Pay† and this trend is what is needed. Compensation committees must remain independent, transparent and must continue to ensure their programs attract, retain and motivate executive talent. Committees must ensure they are paying for performance that ensures long term profitability and value for both executives and shareholders (Stikeman Elliott, 2009). Recommendations for Canada Canada needs to focus on moving towards rules and regulations and not principles and guidelines. Canada will need to reform their standards to be more unified with the rest of the world`s expectations. If Canada wants to attract more corporations to develop in Canada then they need to be the benchmark of standards and practices and set even higher rules and regulations to maintain level, of integrity. Executive compensation could become out of hand and it cannot just be the banks that maintain the higher standards. Canada needs to adopt the â€Å"Say on Pay† and make it mandatory and also move to regulations that are superior to SOX and align the tax laws to levels that keep up with executive compensation packages. Canada needs to embrace being the ethical governance leaders. Conclusion There will always be unethical practices in executive compensation packages and it is not likely to decrease as long as there is competition and the need to retain talented CEO`s, but Canadian businesses can set higher benchmark when it comes to corporate governance, executive compensation and our regulations and practices for boards of directors. We have to remain ethical, transparent and continue to disclose. This is the only way we are going maintain the public and shareholders confidence and continue to attract investors to invest. References Bruvik, K., Whitney Gibson, J. (2011). The past, presentand future of executive compensation. Business Studies Journal, 3(1), pp. 69-83. Colley, Jr, J. L., Doyle, J. L., Logan, W. G., Stettinius, W. (2005). What is Corporate Goverance? New York, NY: Mcgraw-Hill. Geddes, G. (n.d). Executive pay packages: Compensation planning in light of increased scrutiny. Retrieved 02 08, 2013, from Gowlings: Mangen, C., Magnan, M. (2012). Say on Pay: A wolf in sheeps clothing? Academy Of Management Perspectives, 26(2), pp. 86-104. Mendleson, R. (2012, 01 04). Canada CEO Compensation: Companies Hesitant To Debate Executive Pay. Retrieved 02 08, 2013, from The Huffington Post: Milne, J. A. (2006, May). Good corporate governance, good performance. Benefits Compensation Digest, 43(5), 3 4-38. Moncrieff, J. (2012, December 18). CCGG Releases 2013 principles of executive compensation. Retrieved 02 08, 2013, from Canadian Securities Law: Romano, R., Bhagat, S. (2009). Reforming executive compensation: Focusing and committing to the long-term. Faculty Scholarship Series. Stikeman Elliott. (2009). Topics and trends in executive compensation: wealth accumulation analysis. Retrieved 02 08, 2013, from Canadian Securities Law:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sexual harassment opinions

Sexual harassment opinions Effects Sexual harassment often has adverse effects on the victims performance at work. Both the quantity and the quality of work may suffer, as well as the employees morale, attendance, and ability to work with others. Sexual harassment can cause employers losses in productivity and can lead to greater employee turnover and use of sick leave. The harassment can also harm the victims psychological and physical well-being. Sexual harassment can also have indirect effects ?p society. Many feminist scholars consider sexual harassment to be a form of oppression that men use to maintain male-dominated power structures. Women in fields of work that men have traditionally occupied-such as the military, law enforcement, and fire fighting-experience higher rates of sexual harassment. Some researchers assert that regardless of whether harassment is an intentional attempt to oppress girls and women, it contributes to lower achievement by women in society. Power differences between men and women, result from societys traditional sex-role stereotyping and is a major cause of sexual harassment. ? culture tending to place males into greater positions of power than females would expect to have women file a higher rate of sexual harassment complaints because they occupy positions of less authority. When unequal?al power relationships between the sexes are rooted in cultural experiences, work co?texts can provide a foundation legitimizing sexual harassment in the workplace. Cultural conditioning can create an environment conducive to sexually harassing behaviours. Expectations that women are passive and submissive and that men are aggressive and dominant create situations conducive to these behaviours. ? sexually harassing and hostile workplace can establish specific patterns of verbal and nonverbal communication creating unequal power relationships between men and women. PSYCHOLOGICAL OPINIONS ABOUT SEXUAL HARASSMENT CLAIMS While psychologists may offer an opinion regarding the connection between a traumatic event and emotional injury in an accident, that is less clear in sexual harassment. ?he emotional trauma experienced by the victim of sexual harassment is based ?p perceptions about the behaviour of others by the victim. Psychologists are not qualified to determine if sexual harassment took place, because that is a legal question, not a psychological one. However, psychologists can offer an opinion regarding whether a particular action by one individual can reasonably lead t? emotional distress in p another individual. Most of the time, psychologists are asked to evaluate victims of sexual harassment t? assess whether they are exhibiting any psychological distress, and whether that distress appears to be related to specific events ?p the part of another person. ?he court must then decide whether those actions were appropriate ?G legal. Some individuals misinterpret harmless, reasonable behaviour as malicious and specifically directed at themselves. Diagnostically this is called ideas of reference. ?his would suggest an individual with some type of psychological problem who overreacts t? reasonable behaviour because of their own perception of the world and the other person. ?his often occurs in individuals with personality disorders, paranoid disorders, ?G other psychological problems that might involve delusions ?G extreme exaggerations of negative events in their lives. ?therefore, psychological evaluations in sexual harassment cases also focus ?p the expectations of the victim, and whether the victim presents with psychological symptoms which result in exaggerated negative conclusions about others. For example, a persons boss is of a different sex than the person. The worker believes that the boss is sexist and discriminates against the workers sex. ?he worker requests to work on a specific project, but its not chosen. The worker assumes the choice was based on sexist behaviour, rather than merit ?G chance. ?he worker experiences a number of events like this over time, and feels harassed because of it, resulting in depression. Is this sexual harassment? ?he answer depends ?p many factors, such as alternative · reasons for not selecting the worker, whether the worker was selected positively ?p other occasions, whether other individuals had credentials which led to choosing them instead, and whether other individuals of the same sex as the worker experienced similar problems and perceptions. In addition to evaluating the presence ?G absence of psychological disorders, psychologists may also offer opinions regarding whether a persons expectations are reasonable, based on the circumstances. Many psychological problems result when we expect people to treat us in an unrealistically positive way. These cases are not clear cut, because they are not based solely ?p the identification of a psychological problem. Ultimately, the court will decide whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude that sexual harassment took place. Although sexual harassment is not specifically included in Title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in USA, it flows by regulation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) from sex discrimination. It is defined as unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual fa?ours and other ?verbal ?G physical/ conduct of a sexual/ nature, when linked to employment conditions, as part of a quid pro quo for employment decisions ?G when it creates an offensive, hostile work environment. Sexual harassment behaviours range from sexual innuendo, touching, and flirtatious remarks, to clear-cut sexual assault and rape. Often these are accompanied by retaliation against the victim for reporting it. It is estimated by some that up to 60% of victims ignore sexual harassment, believing that if they complain it will only cause more harm. In recent years, however, sexual harassment litigation has been increasing dramatically. In the past five or six years the EEOC reports that these complaints have almost tripled in number and by the year 2000 it is predicted that they will double again. What sexual harassment is and whether or not it occurred are legal and factual matters, but invariably psychological issues become embroiled in them and psychological opinions are frequently presented as part of the claim. These opinions are usually ones which either clarify the claim or define the damage. Psychological opinions which attempt to clarify the claim are the most controversial because they draw conclusions or make inferences about factual matters. Since many times it is only the word of the victim against the harasser, these opinions can tip the scales one way or another. Sometimes psychologists who give such opinions, and who may be acting in good faith, do not realize that they are entering a non-psychological area. This is in part because psychologists in a treatment relationship with a patient claiming sexual harassment need to validate the seriousness of the patients experience if they are to be helpful. But taking that clinical validation to a courtroom is another story. This is why treating psychologists are inherently biased if they are performing their clinical job well. This is also why independent experts, whose scope of inquiry is broader and who are not allied to the patient, may be in a more objective position to give opinions. Regardless of who is giving the opinion, mental health science has not reached the level of sophistication or accuracy to be able to determine whether an alleged sexual harassment incident actually occurred. No constellation of symptoms, mental status appearance, or psychological test results can do that. Even if suspect factors such a bizarre psychotic account, gross inconsistencies, obvious manipulation or marked personality predisposition are not present, psychologists dont really know who is Iying, who is fantasizing, and who is embellishing. However, opinions about a victims behaviour in the harassment situation may be appropriate, especially when a fact finder might not understand it otherwise. So, for example, explaining that victims often remain silent because of economic necessity, fear of retaliation, intimidation and powerlessness, or embarrassment may be helpful. But, care must be taken not to conclude that this victim who may have responded that way was, therefore, harassed; in addition, psychological opinions can help clarify typical response patterns that a victim of sexual harassment exhibits. Reactions such as guilt, self-blame, minimization and denial of harassment ?G even disconnecting onself emotionally from the uncomfortable events are not ?unusual .Without an understanding of those types of responses, a victim may be incriminated as inconsistent with having been harassed. Again, focusing on the general pattern of trauma response is not the same as concluding that harassment occurred. Psychological opinions in sexual harassment claims often ignore more complex organizational and workplace dynamics which form the background of many of these claims. Without input from people at the workplace and review of employment files, the account of the alleged victim stands in isolation from many potential contributing factors. It is not uncommon, for example, for personnel issues such as poor performance, reprimands and warnings, or fear of termination to present a crisis for which a sexual harassment claim serves as a convenient solution. Psychological evaluations which explore all aspects of the work environment, interpersonal relationships there, and work performance can provide a more balanced view of the relative seriousness of the known stressors, Another area for psychological opinions is identifying personality traits ?G personality disorders which may have created or contributed to the claim. First of all, not all sexual harassment is actionable. It must be severe or pervasive enough to create an objectively hostile or abusive work environment. Similarly, if the claimant is a not a reasonable woman of normal sensitivity, her claim may not prevail. ? number of personality disorders can play an important role in employment litigation and provide an alternative explanation of the claimants emotional distress. For e?ample, histrionic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, anti-social personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and paranoid personality disorder are just a few descriptions of people who have unusual sensitivity or are predisposed to maladaptive ways of dealing with others. If there is a clear history ?G pattern of such personality traits, then psychological opinions about them are imp ortant for a full understanding of events. Again, this does not mean that the psychological opinion can conclude that an event did not occur, in fact, individuals with some personality disorders may be vulnerable to victimization. Similarly, there may be a personality disorder that is present in the alleged harasser which can help explain a predatory pattern of conduct. A past history of sexual abuse can predispose a person to a variety of different reactions which may influence a later sexual harassment claim. Since the standard for Iiability in these claims is that of a reasonable woman who is not hypersensitive, the typical eggshell rule of common law does not apply expect as to damages. So, a person who has been previously abused may have developed fear, hyper vigilance, and an unusual sensitivity. In this context, even a trivial innocuous remark may produce an excessive reaction. Also, people with previous sexual abuse are at times people to repetition compulsion which means they have a tendency to repeat past behaviour in spite of the suffering that may have been associated with it. In essence, they recreate the earlier sexual abuse by placing themselves in a position to be abused again. The relevance here is for the defence of welcome ness since the sexual conduct in a sexual harassment claim must be unwelcome and not solicited by the claiman t. Finally, individuals who experienced sexual abuse may be so damaged that they fabricate later incidents of abuse as a way of venting their anger. Because of previous experiences, their ability to describe abuse can be quite sophisticated and believable. Psychological opinions in all of these areas can be important sources of clarification about the possible circumstances of a claim. Psychological opinions which define the damage are seemingly more straightforward since they are based ?p diagnostic criteria. Unfortunately, this is more complicated since the criteria for many mental disorders are arbitrary and easily met by someone just distressed and pursuing litigation. Also, while a psychological opinion may purport to only address emotional harm, it invariably infers that the harm springs from a particular opinion which, in fact, occurred. Tile most striking example is the controversial diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in which the trauma is built into the label. Although attempts have been made to identify specific and objective criteria for this condition, its rampant use in litigation attests to its subjectivity. Most individuals e?posed to a typical traumatic stressor do not develop PTSD, although following a rape the incidence can be high. Long-term lingering emotional symptoms in response to ordinary sexual harassment are unusual unless the nature of the harassment was particularly egregious and pervasive. Psychological opinions are routinely offered ?p emotional damages and the relative effects of alternative causes, the harm from litigation itself, and the secondary gain that comes from an expected financial award. !p traditional tort claims of negligence, the plaintiff must have suffered some harm. In sexual harassment claims, neither economic harm nor emotional harm is necessary. However the degree of damages awarded will undoubtedly be linked to psychological opinions which offer definition for the distress and the disorder suffered. Every individual has the right to work in an environment free from demeaning and humiliating sexual harassment. Laws that enforce that right are appropriate and help create parity for all workers. But the increase in sexual harassment claims also raises social questions. What behaviours are normal, should be acceptable, and will always be a part of mens and womens relationships? What harm comes to individuals ?G classes of individuals when a power gradient is established through sexua1 intimidation? How can the workplace be sensitized and educated about this without becoming cynical? How can a person communicate sensitivity without retribution? How can we accurately distinguish whether a sexual harassment claim is really based ?p the circumstances alleged ?G just a means of empowerment in a confliction and insecure work environment? Psychological opinions may help on some of these questions, but social opinion and public policy will be required for equitable solutions.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder No! This two-letter word isnt as small and irrelevant as you may like to think. Frequently saying no, especially for a child or adolescent, could be a sign of ODD or Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Of course, saying no is normal when expressing a negative view or a dissenting opinion, but if your child is often defiant, it may be cause for concern. How often is often? Melanie Haiken of Health Day has an interesting answer/analogy. She said, For most children, episodes of oppositional behavior are like the raisins in the oatmeal cookie-undeniably present, but not the main event. For a child with ODD, there are so many raisins that its hard to see the cookie. This implies that saying no or exhibiting defiance for a child with ODD happens so often that the true personality of the child is masked. This isnt normal or the standard in a child of a certain age or developmental level. If the defiance is a sign of ODD, your child is at a disadvantage. Untreated, the condition can get worse, contributing to their difficulty in interacting with people in any setting. The Normal Defiant Child Not every defiant child has ODD. According to the Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, All children are oppositional from time to time, particularly when tired, hungry, stressed or upset. They may argue, talk back, disobey, and defy parents, teachers, and other adults. Oppositional behavior is often a normal part of development for two to three year olds and early adolescents. The criteria used by professionals to indicate ODD are also typical for any child having a bad day, or going through a phase when they become independent or develop a keener sense of individuality. The difference is in the frequency and intensity of the behavior. Frequent and openly obstinate and argumentative behavior can be a sign of ODD. These behaviors need attention if they happen often, if the manifestations are severe, or if the behavior violates social norms or the rights and safety of other people. The ODD Child A child with ODD manifests a pattern of irritable, angry, and argumentative behavior. They will refuse to follow rules, argue with people in authority, and be resentful of their siblings or peers. They will also deliberately annoy others or make them angry. The condition is defined by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry as an ongoing pattern of uncooperative, defiant, and hostile behavior toward authority figures that seriously interferes with the youngsters day to day functioning. Generally, the symptoms are exhibited in places where the child is most comfortable, such as at home. Some children may also exhibit their defiant behavior at school, so it is advisable that you stay in the loop by communicating with teachers. To find out whether the defiant behavior that your child exhibits is a symptom of ODD, get your child evaluated by a therapist. Some noteworthy symptoms are: Arguing excessively with adults Frequent temper tantrums Active defiance Refusing to comply with requests or follow rules Deliberately attempting to annoy or upset people Blaming others for misbehavior and mistakes Being touchy or easily annoyed by others Seeking revenge If your child is defiant, working with a therapist is recommended, because defiance isnt only a feature of ODD-it can also be a symptom of other emotional conditions, such as depression and bipolar disorder. If your child has ODD, they can also be vulnerable to developing ADHD or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as other learning difficulties. Beating ODD Before It Ruins Your Childs Chances ODD has a pretty high occurrence among children and adolescents, but its causes have not been clearly established, and helping your child manage it could be difficult. This is a good reason to seek help from a capable therapist contracted with Carolina Counseling Services in Pittsboro, NC. Uncontrolled ODD not only makes your child vulnerable to many other emotional conditions and relationship-disrupting and life-disturbing behaviors, but can also lead to conduct disorder over time and ruin their chances for a quality life beyond childhood. With early treatment, the outlook for ODD is good. Mild ODD often improves as the child grows older. Your life as a family may also be turned upside down by your child with ODD, who may be argumentative and difficult to discipline. Your usual parenting style may not work on a defiant child. A therapist can empower you as a parent to encourage your child to be more agreeable, cooperative, and obedient. Rather than engage in unproductive and exhausting power struggles, seek help from an experienced therapist independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services in Pittsboro, NC. Call now to make the first appointment!

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Career As A Bricklayer :: Free Essay Writer

A good career for me would be a bricklayer. Bricklayers make a lot of money but it’s also a lot of work. It’s a job that most people wouldn’t necessarily enjoy but on the other hand you would make a lot of money, about $14-$18 an hour. (WOIS p ) A quote from my sister who works at Big Kmart is, â€Å"People work at jobs they don’t enjoy just so they can make a lot of money.† I think I could do the job well. Three reasons I think I could do the job well are, I’m a good worker, I have a lot of energy, and I know a lot about bricks. With these three reasons in mind, it would be good to think of a bricklayer as a career for me. I think that I would be a really good bricklayer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I’m a good worker. If you were to give me a job to do then I would do it and do it well. If I’m focused and determined to do the job, I will get the job done successfully. That’s pretty much all there is to it. If you told me to build a wall out of bricks, for example, I’m the kind of person who will be right on the job. I’ll just start working then I’ll work until the wall or whatever it may be is built. Now everyone has days that they are tired but they still have to work. Let’s say I was tired, I would work not only because I had to but because I would care so much about my job to do my absolute best.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my whole life I have had a somewhat large amount of energy. That means that I can do something for a long period of time, without getting tired. Bricklayers work different amounts of hours all the time. It depends on the project and on who you are working for. A lot of bricklayers are self employed so they work what they want to. So it really depends on what exactly you are doing (WOIS p ). I could work long hours, that is another reason why I’d be good at my job. Most people would hire you for the job if they know that you will get the job done in a reasonable amount of time doing a fair job. My sister says that, â€Å"One of the most important aspects about a job is having a good reputation. If your boss knows you will do the job and do it well then you should be

Comparing Roosevelts New Deal and Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House on the Prairie :: Compare Contrast Comparison

Comparing Roosevelt's New Deal and Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House on the Prairie Books Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote many books during her time. She is best known for her Little House on the Prairie books, which were written in the 1930's during the great depression. I will contrast Roosevelt's New Deal with Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House on the Prairie books. The comparison between these two is the fact of how the Little House on the Prairie books did not depend on the government and Roosevelt's New Deal plan and how Laura and her family lived life with little to no help from the government. To start off I am going to give you a brief background on what caused the great depression and how the New Deal came about. The great depression came about for many different reasons. Some of these reasons are due to the stock market crash of 1929. Most people think that this is what started the great depression but actually it was only part of it. The upper and lower classes played a big role on wages for what was paid between the two different classes. Because of this wage difference it had an impact on the banking system. Also America became know as a credit nation vs. a debtor nation. Which meant that the United States was owed more money by other countries and the United States owed. Another problem that the United States was having is that the whole dollar vs. gold. During the 1930's the United States was still on a gold value system where paper money had no value. With all of these factors and the stock market crash of 1929 was just the final straw that broke the camels back as the saying goes. With the depression going and 1 out of every 4 people not having a job, the country was in serious troub le. Franklin D. Roosevelt came up with the New Deal. The New Deal was also known as Works Progress Administration (WPA). The program put 8,500,000 of Americans back to work. The work consisted of everything from building public parks and a writers program to paying farmers not to plant crops. This is the part of the New Deal that I will be addressing. The Agricultural Adjustment Act also known as AAA. The AAA act came about to stabilize prices and overproduction on farm products such as cotton, wheat, corn, rice, tobacco, hogs and milk.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Differences Between the Republican National Party and the Democratic Na

Differences Between the Republican National Party and the Democratic National Party Since the beginning of American politics, we have lived in a two party political system. These two parties play a very important role in our government, they are a source of ideas for public policy, and they legally oppose each other, forcing compromises of ideas that are beneficial to the people of the United States of America. Though these two parties generally always oppose each other on the issues, some people believe that there are not significant differences between the Democratic National Party and the Republican National Party. When the domestic economic issues of the 1996 and 1992 presidential elections are examined, the Republican National Party and the Democratic National Party show themselves to be very different. A 1996 Gallup poll showed that approximately 45% of Americans believe that there are no significant differences between the Republican National Party and the Democrat National Party ("Draft Democratic National Platform" 35). These people feel that because both democrats and republicans talk about the same issues (tax cuts, education, the deficit), that they are in fact similar. These people do not know that, while both democrats and republicans talk about the same issues, the two parties often have very different views on these issues. On the issue of taxes in the 1992 presidential election, the Republicans called for more tax breaks than did the Democratic Party. Democratic presidential candidate Bill Clinton called for â€Å"a research and development tax credit; a low income housing tax credit; [and] a long term capital gains proposal for new businesses and business expansions† (â€Å"First Presidential Debate, 1992†). The Rep... ...l Platform (1996 Democratic National Platform).† Congressional Quarterly Guide to the Democratic Convention. 17 Aug. 1996: 35-52. â€Å"First Presidential Debate, 1992.† Commission on Presidential Debates. Commission on Presidential Debates. 1996. 5 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Party Stresses Family Values, Decentralized Authority (1992 Republican National Platform).† Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report. 22 Aug. 1992: 2560-2581. â€Å"Second 1996 Presidential Debate.† Commission on Presidential Debates. Commission on Presidential Debates. 1996. 5 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Second Presidential Debate, 1992.† Commission on Presidential Debates. Commission on Presidential Debates. 1996. 5 Oct. 1999 â€Å"Transcript of the First Presidential Debate.† The Washington Post. 7 Oct. 1996: A08.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Why Foreign Language Should Be a Core Subject

Silvana Domaz Professor Hussein ENG108: Writing Project #4 22 April 2012 Why Foreign Language Should be a Core Subject in Public Elementary School The benefits of learning a foreign language go beyond learning a different culture or being able to communicate with people of different backgrounds. It is essential that Americans speak languages other than English in order to compete internationally, keep the country safe, and prepare children to be world citizens.Several language organizations, educators, and policy makers have recommended the introduction of a second language at the elementary school level as a way of assuring a high level of language proficiency (Pufahl and Rhodes 273). However, the reality of foreign language education in the United States is far from that goal.The Center for Applied Linguistics conducted a nationwide survey of public and private schools in 2008 and discovered that â€Å"since 1997, the percentage of elementary and middle schools that offer foreign language courses has fallen significantly, from 31 percent to 25 percent at the elementary level and from 75 percent to 58 percent at the middle school level† (Pufahl and Rhodes 261). One of the reasons for the decline could be attributed to the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 signed by President George W. Bush.The NCLB act is a framework aimed at improving the performance of America's elementary and secondary schools, with a stronger emphasis on reading. About one third of all public schools with foreign language programs reported being affected by NCLB (Pufahl and Rhodes 270). Educators and politicians see the need for improving students’ achievement in reading and math and for a better score on standardized tests (Stewart 11). For that reason schools are under pressure to allocate time and resources to math and English-language arts instruction.Educators and school administrators are left with no budget, resources or time to use for foreign language education (Pufahl and Rhodes 273). In contrast, in June 2004, the Department of Defense and the University of Maryland joined for a summit on National Language Policy. It became very clear that â€Å"there is an immediate need for governmental personnel who can function at the advanced proficiency level in foreign languages† (Byrnes 247). The government needs people who are able to communicate in other languages, people who can understand different cultures and analyze critical content and ideas from other countries.Projections for the total numbers of speakers of various languages for the year 2050 indicate that Mandarin will surpass English (Byrnes 254). Thus, it is likely that trade and diplomacy will be increasingly conducted with those who speak languages other than English, such as Mandarin. In 2000, the Center for Applied Linguistics conducted a study to collect data from 19 countries on their foreign language programs and methodologies so that the results could help improve la nguage teaching in the U. S.Those countries were Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Spain, and Thailand. Some of the recommendations drawn from the study results are: 1) start language education early; 2) push for stronger federal leadership in language teaching; 3) improve teacher education; and 4) take advantage of the rich sociolinguistic context in the United States (Pufahl and Rhodes and Christian 3).Starting language education at an early age will lead to higher levels of language proficiency not only in one language but also in multiple languages. Based on the survey, most countries begin foreign language instruction in the elementary grades, while most schools in the U. S start at age 14. In Arizona, foreign language courses are not a requirement. According to Jill Campos, World Language Academic Coach for the Scottsdale School District, â€Å"f oreign language is introduced for a semester at 6th and 7th grades as an exploratory course.Eight graders can take the first year of a world language for high school credit and continue, if they so choose, through the 5th year†. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) report that â€Å"the language areas of the brain seem to go through the most dynamic period of growth between the ages of 6 and 13† (qtd. in Talukder 3). The UCLA study instead suggests that â€Å"the elementary and middle school years are the biologically most advantageous times for acquisition of a second language† (qtd. in Talukder 3).It is during the first years of life that â€Å"the foundations for thinking, language, vision, attitudes, aptitudes, and other characteristics are laid down,† says Ronald Kotulak, author of Inside the Brain (qtd. in Dryden and Voss 266). Studies of the brain show that a second language is stored in the same part of the brain as a fir st language when learned by age 8. After that age, a second language is stored in a different part of the brain. However, simply introducing a program at the elementary level is not enough.The second recommendation is that a successful language program has to be consistent and coherent among all organizations and educational sectors. The federal government can provide leadership in developing long term policies for enhanced teacher training, incentives for school districts to offer early language instruction, and conduct long term research on language education (Pufahl and Rhodes and Christian 16). Effective teaching strategies must be implemented such as foreign language as a medium of subject instruction, immersion or dual-language programs.Foreign languages should have the same status as other core subjects such as math and reading and they should be carried through elementary to college (Pufahl and Rhodes and Christian 17). The third recommendation is enhanced teacher training. Based on the survey results, teacher training that integrates academic subject studies with pedagogical studies and teaching practice, was one of the most successful aspects of foreign language education in their respective countries (Pufahl and Rhodes and Christian 10).The fourth recommendation is that educators need to take advantage of our ethnic diversity by promoting the learning of heritage languages. The United States is one of the world’s largest Spanish-speaking countries; however, we don’t capitalize on this powerful human resource or in any other heritage languages. The majority of public schools don’t offer programs for immigrant students to build on their home languages even when there’s a large group in the community who speaks the same language.Promoting strong bilingual programs such as dual-immersion where half the students speak another language than English and both groups study together and become bilingual in both languages of instruc tion (Pufahl and Rhodes and Christian 19). A major change needs to happen in the United States in regards to foreign language education, from the national to local level. Besides personal and academic achievement, being proficient in foreign languages is extremely important for international trade, diplomacy, and national security.It is important that the federal government creates a sizable budget for language education and establishes foreign language as a core subject. Educators and teachers should benefit from the country’s sociolinguistic context and promote bilingual programs that capitalize on heritage languages. Schools should create long term programs so that students can continue their foreign language education all the way to college if they so choose. Works Cited Campos, Jill. â€Å"Re: foreign languages in elementary schools. Message to the author. 04 Feb. 2012. Email. Hines, Marion E. â€Å"Foreign Language Curriculum Concerns in Times of Conflict. † Del ta Kappa Gamma Bulletin 70. 1 (2003): 15-21. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Larew, Leonor. â€Å"The Optimum Age for Beginning a foreign Language. † Modern Language Journal 45. 5 (1961): 203. Academic Search Premier. Web. 24 Mar. 2012. Meyers-Scotton, Carol. â€Å"Why Bilingualism Matters. † American Speech 75. 3 (2000): 290-292. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Mar. 012. Pufahl, Ingrid, and Nancy Rhodes. â€Å"Foreign Language Instruction in U. S. Schools: Results of a National Survey of Elementary and Secondary Schools. † Foreign Language Annals 44. 2 (2011): 258-288. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Pufahl, Ingrid, Christian Donna, and Nancy Rhodes. â€Å"Foreign Language Teaching: What the United States Can Learn from Other Countries. † ERIC Clearing House on Languages and Linguistics (2000):1-35. Eric Digest. Web 18 Apr. 2012 (2011): 258-288.Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Schick, Jo-Anne E. , and Paul B. Nelson. à ¢â‚¬Å"Language Teacher Education: The Challenge for the Twenty-First Century. † Clearing House 74. 6 (2001): 301-304. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. Talukder, Gargi. How the Brain Learns a Second Language. 2001 Brain Connection. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. Zehr, Mary Ann. â€Å"Elementary Foreign Language Instruction on Descent. † Education Week 28. 23 (2009):8-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Mar. 2012.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Alma Electronics: I’ll Dream of You Essay

Introduction Mr. Andy Mallari’s goal is to develop his small electronic shop into that kind of business of Mr. Estrelito Chan, which has already grown into a well-established appliance assembly plant in Manila. He, Mr. Mallari, however has three sons who belong to the top ten in their respective classes and he thinks that his children have great potential of helping him realize his dream of establishing his own assembly plant. Mr. Mallari should take into account every single detail in his plans from the biggest up to the smallest ones for if there is any case of missteps in his endeavor, it can ruin all of his plans. Analysis His business started as a mere electronic supply and repair center in Burgos Ave., Cabanatuan City and he has employees consisting of technicians who came from different towns of Nueva Ecija. His business has grown up until he managed to build a new bigger shop at Del Pilar St. Considering this fact, we can safely say that his working force in terms of manpower is effective since he was able to bring his business into having different sub-branches in the various big towns of Nueva Ecija such as San Jose City, Gapan City and Guimba. This all say that he has established a firm business, but he has  decided to take a step further in his endeavors by setting his goal of establishing a larger scale enterprises. In view of this, different challenges will sure emerge like he already has to set a new outline for his business’ working force and he will be needing more experienced employees with deeper knowledge about electronics industry. He has his three sons as potential pillars for the realization of his dreams. That’s why the most critical part of his plan is the choice of course he will recommend his sons to take, and whether or not his sons will take into account the course he will endorse. Recommendations and Conclusions According to Engr. Helito R. Singson JR., if he were Mr. Andy Mallari he would choose Electronics and Communications Engineering to be the course for his first son, since electronic industry is what his business is all about. He added that it is wise that his son who, if ever, will be an electronic engineer be positioned as a supervisor. The second son is to take business administration; he will be in charge of the management aspects within the business. And the third one is to take finance, and he will be in charge of the financial aspects of the business. Source: Engr. Helito R. Singson Jr.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Persists in central Africans Essay

The text notes that an alternate allele of the hemoglobin gene can cause sickle-cell anemia when a person is homozygous for this allele, but that a person who is heterozygous for the allele actually can derive a benefit from it–protection from malaria. In the United States, 8 percent of African Americans are carriers for the sickle-cell allele, while in central Africa the figure is 20 percent. What could account for this difference? Assess. Answer: The difference could be accounted for by the prevalence of malaria disease in central Africa. Heterozygous carriers of the disease are resistant to malaria. Furthermore, there is a at leasr a 25% chance that the heterozygous trait is passed on to the next generation. Malaria is more prevalent in central Africa than in America. African Americans are not as exposed to malaria as central Africans are. Therefore, the sickle-cell trait is being faced out gradually in African Americans. Central Africans on the other hand are continually exposed to the disease. The trait therefore persists in their genome. More malaria resistant individuals are born. Unfortunately, they are heterozygous carriers of the sickle-cell trait. When two heterozygous individuals produce offsprings, there is a 25% chance that a one of them is a homozygous for sickle-cell disease. Therefore, the trait persists in central Africans.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Antipsychotic medication Essay

Latuda (lurasidone) is an antipsychotic medication. It works by changing the effects of chemicals in the brain. Latuda is used to treat schizophrenia in adults. It is also used to treat depression associated with bipolar. Latuda is not for use in psychotic conditions related to dementia. This drug may cause heart failure, sudden death, or pneumonia in older adults with dementia-related conditions. You should not use Latuda if you are allergic to lurasidone. Latuda was formulated in October 28, 2010. It is supplied as a tablet for oral administrations. The recommended starting dose is 40 mg once daily and the maximum recommended dose is 80 mg/day. Latuda should be taken with food. Dose adjustments are recommended for the following: patients with moderate and severe renal impairment, patients with moderate and severe hepatic impairment, patients taking concomitant (existing or occurring with something else concurrently) potential inhibitors and patients taking concomitant potential ind ucers. Mechanism of action, atypical antipsychotic; precise mechanism is unknown; efficacy suggested involve medication of central dopamine type 2 and serotonin type 2 Any of these signs of an allergic reaction to Latuda require emergency medical help: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Serious side effects such as: dizziness, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeats; agitation, hostility, confusion, thought about hurting yourself or seizure’s should stop taking Latuda and call your doctor. A total of 831 drugs are known to interact with Latuda (lurasidone). 70 major drug interactions, 759 moderate drug interactions and 2 minor drug interactions. The disadvantages of taking Latuda are that there is increased mortality in elderly patients with Dementia-Related Psychosis.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Oral presentation on golf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oral presentation on golf - Essay Example Thank you. Golf is a game requiring mastery in a variety of areas for success. There might be different ways to success but it should be understood that those players who show high and stable results have reached heights in the areas of mechanics, physical, nutritional, and mental. Mechanics is the development of the proper biomechanics of the golf swing. Physical entails developing the body around the golf swing. Nutrition incorporates fueling the body for proper success on the golf course. Mental is the development of the correct mind set to excel at the game of golf. Often the golfer tends to focus only upon the development of the golf swing through mastery of biomechanics of the golf swing. It is understandable why golfers spend an in ornate amount of this part of developing their golf game: developing the biomechanics of the golf swing requires the player to correctly master each phase of the golf swing (these phases are address, backswing, transition, downswing, and follow through). What the beginners at times fail to recognize is that additional categories exist requiring development to create the optimal golf swing. If ignored, these aspects can negatively affect the development of the golf swing and golf game. The next category requiring development within the golfer is categorized as physical.

Criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Criminal law - Essay Example ocedure of trial of a criminal case through the federal court system usually takes place with the following: 1) Grand Jury Indictment, 2) Arrest and Bail Hearing, 3) Arraignment, 4) Discovery of Evidence and Filing Motions, and 5) Trial or Guilty Plea. State Court Prosecution Process. State Court prosecution process is considered to be a â€Å"typical criminal case progress† that basically goes â€Å"through the system†. However, the procedures and terms may differ in some ways depending on the state’s or country’s jurisdiction. The procedure begins after the crime is committed. I think it is necessary that accused citizens should undergo a centralized prosecution process instead of classifying them if federal or state court. Having simplified prosecution process will be liken as measuring the case in the standard measurement every accused in order to get the desired result in prosecution. However, due to the sensitive and subjective nature of crimes being committed by different citizens, the various procedures that are designed into federal and state courts are considerable even it takes the prosecution in multi-layer pace. Lindsey, David. â€Å"Colorado Federal Prosecutions Lawyer.†David Lindsey Attorney At Law. 2011